Sunday, April 28, 2013

Catch up news

Well we are behind already!  What else is new?  We have been in Idaho Falls for two weeks now and have seen rain, hail, snow, and beautiful sunny days.  The grass is up and green, Marv has been weeding the garden and we don't miss Minnesota cold.  We heard that Minnesota has gotten lots of snow since we left.  The snow here was minimal and gone in a few hours.  Tulips and daffodils are up and lovely.
We have run around like a couple of chickens with our heads cut off getting ready for Italy.  We spent several loooooong hours shopping for Marv's clothes.  Since Marv thinks clothing stores are places of fire and brimstone, it was very difficult.  Finally, after several trips and try-on's, we settled on one store and for over  two hours got everything ordered and measured, etc.  Marv was sweating bullets and practically ran me over getting to the outside by the end.  He immediately took a long bike ride to recuperate.  He thinks clothes should only cost ten dollars and shopping should take five minutes.  What a sacrifice!
We finally sent off our visa papers and hopefully our visas will be waiting in Provo in July.  We saw my old doctor and he was great.  He remembered me and we realized he and Marv went to high school together. He will make sure we get our prescriptions while we are gone.  Evidently getting meds shipped to Italy will be difficult.  We are trying to get friends and family to visit us in Italy and space out their visits so they can bring meds with them for us.
We have been catching up with friends and family.  We have been to graduation dinners, played games, shared stories and had a great time.  We spent a full day up at Kent and Brenda Warner's home in Terreton. Kent is Marv's uncle (only 5 years older).  Marv and Kent spent all day doing Kent's work - he is a large animal veterinarian and they vaccinated dogs, tested cows, and neutered some colts.  Marv had a blast (though he had to wash all his clothes - cow drool and other less desirable fluids were flying around pretty thick).  Brenda and I went shopping and made me a gorgeous quilt out of ultra soft fabric.  It is wonderful.  We were in school together years ago - Kent finishing his veterinary degree and Marv his bachelor's.  We were up in Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, WA. (just eight miles apart)  It was so fun  to be together again.  We met them in Hawaii years ago when all our kids were still at home.  What fun and memories we made.  I will get Marv to put up a picture from their house in Terreton - though it was a bit hazy - the mountains are magnificent and remind me why I missed the mountains so much.
Speaking of mountains, we are going to spend a few days up in Yellowstone Park later this week.  We will tour the park and see the new wildlife babies.  It should be great.  Next week we head to Ephraim, Utah.  My former mission president and his lovely wife retired there and are hosting a great open house for us and another couple going to Italy again on missions.  We are very excited to see old friends and companions.
Then the week after, we head down south again to spend some more time with the grandkids.  We sure miss them already.  Our niece Camille (16) will go down with us and her parents will come down and pick her up and drop off her dog for Leigh's family.  The dog is Camille's but since she just finished high school (at 16) and will be heading off to college, her dog will become a pal to Leigh's new puppy.
This retired life is pretty great.  We get up when we want and go when we want.  Marv rides every day and I have sewn to my hearts content.  We drive around and look at places to buy or build a home when we get back.  We have been to the temple here - very nostalgic as we were married in the Idaho Falls temple.  (Has it really been 36 years ago?)  It is really fun.  We keep busy and love being close to family and long-time friends.  However, we are anxious to get to Italy and only have nine weeks left before we go.  We get more excited every day and Marv is doing well in his Italian studies.  We are so grateful for this opportunity to serve a  mission among the Italian people.  I learned to love the people when I served in Italy forty years ago and can't wait to meet new friends and renew old friendships.  We are excited about serving our Father in Heaven and making a difference in the world.  We have been so blessed in our lives.  We love our family and all of you.  Keep in touch and love each moment in your lives. Ciao!

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