It's now down to only three more working days until I am done. It's amazing. You dream and think about this time but you never think it will really arrive.
Last night there was a farewell party with all of the Northshore Ward. Peg and I were amazed at how many showed up. Lots of wonderful people that we have worked and enjoyed over the 15 years we have lived here in Minnesota. All of them have strong testimonies of the gospel and are type of friends you want to have. We will miss them all.
Myself, Bishop David Gore, and Vance Bachelder |
Thursday evening we got a voice mail from Salt Lake. When Peg called them early Friday morning they asked if we were willing to enter the mission home on May 13 - two days sooner than we had listed as available on the application. Of course we said yes. They told us that the call will be made next Thursday. The same day as my last day of work. This means we will miss the mail. Peg gave them Leigh's address so she can call us and read us the call while we are on our family history trip. My guess is that we will find out on Wednesday, Feb 6th. Oh the anticipation!